I often receive the question: is pulling in the belly button different then engaging the deep core muscles? Yes, IT IS!

Activating the deep core muscles is more functional and contributes to body resilience while belly button retraction primarily results in a flatter appearance of the abdomen and does not provide a stable base in long-term benefits for stability or movement.

The deep core muscle system should be activated during movement as they provide more stability and support the spine. For dancers it is particularly important for a correct posture, alignment, stength, balance and generally improving movement sequences (e.g. lifting, running, jumping, turning) as well as preventing injuries.

This technique involves engaging the deeper muscles of the core such as the Transversus abdominis (deep layer of abdominal muscles), the pelvic floor muscles, the diaphragm and the Multifidi (stabilizing muscles along the spine).

❕So, IT IS NOT the belly button which makes the deep core engagement, IT IS the muscle system around. Try to use my IMAGINATION CUES in the pics to help you find your deep core muscle activation.


💛 Thank you to @olga.anahitwien and @timtertaenzer for your beautiful picture! I am happy to support you as a dance physiotherapist on your dance path!

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