Our body ability to transmit force diagonally
across the trunk to allow functional and dynamic movement is one of the many functions made possible by the presence of myofascial slings.
These slings connect different parts of the body,
linking the upper and lower body or the front and back, as a network of muscles and interactive tissue (fascia) that are connected to each other and play an important role in power transmission,
maintaining posture, ensuring proper function and providing stability during various activities. They allow coordinated function between different body regions, like the pelvis, trunk and limbs,
improving overall stability, strength and mobility.
(PIhotocredit: Springer Medizin)
The human body contains 4 sling systems that each
play a unique role in providing this stable base for function. The relationship between the slings enables optimal dynamic movement and maximises power, strength and speed. These slings are
crucial in maintaining biomechanical efficiency and preventing injury during movement. Deficiencies within a particular sling due to muscular dysbalance, poor posture or overworked structures can
result in suboptimal movement pattern.
🗨️ To get more information about our 4 Myofascial
SLINGS, have a look on my pictures. And try to integrate my training tips in your daily dance warm up or fitness workout!
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